Say Goodbye To “Mean” During The COVID-19 Crisis

Last week on our new Istagram show we talked about how we can be kinder to each other during the COVID-19 pandemic and say #goodbye2mean. There is so much meanness happening now especially on social media. What does it mean to be mean? The definition of the word mean is: someone treats you unkind or cruel like in the case of bullying. read more

Unexpect Everything: 62nd Grammy Awards

We were at LA Live waiting to enter Microsoft Theater for the 62nd Recording Academy Grammy Awards Premiere Ceremony. It was going to be a great day of music, catching up with friends and celebration. But everything changed in a second. As we walked in the building my iPhone buzzed. It was a news update. I couldn’t believe the words on the screen: “NBA Superstar Kobe Bryant was killed in a helicopter crash in Calabasas.” read more