Racism and National Unrest: How We Can Be The Change

25 Jul 2020

Utalk hosts Steve, Larissa and Kati had a conversation about racism and all the national unrest going on in the world and how we can be the change during this time.

Steve talks about his experience going to a protest and interviewing young adults that were in attendance. You can hear what Conner, Melinda, Jasmine and Preston (who was the leader of the protest) had to say by listening to the podcast or watching the IGTV episode on our Instagram @utalkradio. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CB1_mXgAS4f/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link

Steve, Larissa and Kati give some advice on what we can do to be the change and make a difference in our world right now. Larissa talks about making sure we educate ourselves with reliable, credible and a wide range of news sources. Steve talks about how we need to make sure we know the facts and know what is really going on. Fact Girl aka Kati gave us a statistic about how only 19% of young adults believe life is sacred and talks about how we should respect everyone and treat everyone how we want to be treated.


The Utalk crew bring up examples and talk about how racism still exists in our culture and how we can change this by seeing others as human beings whose life is sacred. We need to learn to let others into the intimate spaces in our lives and feel each other’s emotions.

Steve, Larissa and Kati talk about learning about other people’s cultures and learning about people who are different than us.

You can listen to this episode here: https://www.spreaker.com/user/utalkradio/ig-live-11-racism-and-national-unrest-ho

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