Podcast 6: A whole lot of Drumming

Steve had a chance to talk with Eric Hernandez – Bruno Mars’s drummer. Listen in as they talk about new projects Eric is working on, his passion in life and some wisdom he would share at a high school commencement given the chance. This is a new bit we’re doing on Utalk called “Three 4 U.” Share it with some friends.

Podcast 5: Songs that describe life

We got a question from Ashley wanting to know what songs describe our life right now. Great question, because music affects us in lots of different ways. If you were asked this same question, what songs would you list today? Check out what songs Steve, Larissa and Kati listed. Share this with your friends!

Podcast 4: Reckless Drivers

When we’re not taking your calls we try to keep up on things that affect you. One of the big ones is distracted and reckless driving. There’s some scary stuff happening with young drivers – everything from driving crazy to girls putting make-up on while behind the wheel. What kind of a driver are you? How about your friends? Check out this week’s podcast with Steve, Larissa & Kati. Share it with a friend.

Podcast 3: How do you define beauty?

Since its National Eating Disorder Week and Love your Selfie Week we thought it’d be a good time to talk about defining beauty. It’s a tough thing to describe. English-Irish boy band One Direction’s hit song “What Makes You Beautiful” talks about it. What do you think? Check out this week’s podcast as the Utalk Crew gives you their take on defining beauty. You may know someone who needs to hear this so share it with them.