Utalk Radio – Terms of Service

Disclaimer of Liability and Warranties

The opinions of the hosts and guests on Utalk are intended for educational, ministry and entertainment purposes only and are based on the very limited information we receive about a caller or guest. Such opinions are not intended to be a substitute for advice and counsel you would receive from a qualified mental health professional who could fully evaluate your history and specific needs. You should discuss your specific situation individually with qualified professionals.  If you believe you need immediate assistance, please call your local emergency number or the mental health crisis hotline listed in your local phone book’s government pages.

Because Utalk does not operate, supervise or exercise any control over any of the therapists, resources or referral sources listed, it makes no representations or warranty whatsoever, either expressed or implied, regarding any information or advice provided by these referral services. In no event shall Utalk or the producers of the show be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on information provided by these therapists, resources or referral services.

All users are required follow these stated guidelines. Failure to do so may result in denial of service or denial of access to certain features on the site

These Terms outline that responsibility on the part of our interactive community. The term *Interactive*covers all areas of the site where users are allowed to participate by submitting content.This includes, but is not limited to use of the chat rooms, blogs, discussion board, comment forms, feedback mechanisms, and “friend” ongoing conversations and subscription services.  By using any of our interactive areas, you agree to follow the stated Terms of Service and all guidelines stated therein. We assume that Interactive users have read and agreed to these Terms of Service and, by occasional rereading of them, be aware of changes and updates to the text.

In any community, there are certain expectations of acceptable behavior. Utalk Radio encourages online communities characterized by grace and truth.  We want to foster discussion of significant life challenges – including spiritual ones. While we ask that each participant extend respect and understanding toward those who hold other views, we reserve the right to limit content or involvement which is inconsistent with our Statement of Faith. By participating in any interactive area of the site, you are agreeing to these terms.

We strive to provide a safe and sensitive chat environment. However, you participate at your own risk. While we are committed to maintaining respect and good manners, our interactive areas are designed for teenagers, emerging adults and adults. We cannot be responsible for the safety of children. Those under the age of 13 will be asked to leave the site.


Welcome to Utalk Radio which is operated by Steve Russo Evangelistic Team, Inc. This Network is operated by Steve Russo Evangelistic Team and Utalk Radio (dba), and materials on this Network are owned, for the most part, by the same. This Network may also include materials owned by third parties and posted on the Network by virtue of a license, grant or some other form of agreement between the third party and Utalk Radio.

Utalk Radio has created this network so you may discover and experience solutions to life challenges as well as in yours spiritual journey. However, you are only authorized to access this Network or to use the materials contained on the Network (regardless of whether your access or use is intended) if you agree to abide by all applicable laws, and to these Terms of Service which constitute an Agreement between you and Utalk Radio. Please read these Terms of Service carefully. Any questions or concerns with, this Network should be sent to the Network Administrator at info@utalkradio.com.

Utalk Radio reserves the right to modify or amend this Agreement without notice at any time. It is therefore important that you read this page regularly to ensure you are updated as to any changes.

If you become aware of misuse of this Network by any person, please contact the Network Administrator with your concerns.

Access and Use

All materials contained on this Network are protected by international trademark and copyright laws and must only be used for personal, non-commercial purposes. This means that you may only view or download material from this Network for your own use and you must keep all copyright and other proprietary notices attached to the downloaded material.

The reproduction, duplication, distribution (including by way of e-mail, facsimile or other electronic means), publication, modification, copying or transmission of material from this Network is STRICTLY PROHIBITED unless you have obtained the prior written consent of Utalk Radio or unless it is expressly permitted by this Network. The material covered by this prohibition includes, without limitation, any text, graphics, logos, photographs, audio or video material or stills from audiovisual material available on this Network. The use of materials from this Network on any other Web network or networked computer environment is similarly prohibited. Requests for permission to reproduce or distribute in digital form the online materials found on this Network can be made by contacting Utalk Radio in writing at info@utalkradio.com.

You are also strictly prohibited from creating works or materials that derive from or are based on the materials contained on this Network including, without limitation, fonts, icons, link buttons, wallpaper and unlicensed merchandise. This prohibition applies regardless of whether the derivative materials are sold, bartered or given away.

Discussion Boards, Forums, Chat Rooms & Blogs

You are welcome to post, transmit or submit messages to discussion boards, forums, chat rooms, blogs or other public areas within, or in connection with, this Network (collectively “Communities”). However, Utalk Radio reserves the right to moderate all messages.

Messages submitted to Communities are not necessarily reviewed by Utalk Radio prior to posting and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Utalk Radio. Utalk Radio makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the content of the messages in the Communities or the accuracy and reliability of any messages and other materials in the Communities. Nonetheless, Utalk Radio reserves the right to prevent you from submitting materials to Communities and to edit, restrict or remove such messages for any reason at any time.

Utalk Radio assumes no responsibility for actively monitoring Online Communities for inappropriate messages. If at any time Utalk Radio chooses, in its sole discretion, to monitor the Communities, Utalk Radio nonetheless assumes no responsibility for the content of the messages, no obligation to modify or remove any inappropriate messages, and no responsibility for the conduct of the user submitting any message. In submitting messages to Communities, you agree to strictly limit yourself to discussions about the subject matter for which the Online Communities are intended. You agree that Utalk Radio accepts no liability whatsoever if it determines to prevent your messages from being submitted or if it edits, restricts or removes your messages.

You agree that you will not submit messages to Online Communities that:

  • are unlawful, threatening, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane or indecent including any communication that constitutes (or encourages conduct that would constitute) a criminal offense, gives rise to civil liability or otherwise violates any local, provincial, state, national or international law;
  • violate the copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights of any other person. By submitting Messages to Online Communities, you represent to Real Answers  that you are the rightful owner of such material or that you have first obtained permission to submit the material from the rightful owner;
  • improperly assume or claim the identity, characteristics or qualifications of another person;
  • contain personal/contact information
  • are for purposes of spamming;
  • contain any virus or other harmful component;
  • are libelous, or an invasion of privacy or publicity rights or any other third party rights; or
  • are for commercial purposes or contain advertising or are intended to solicit a person to buy or sell services or to make donations.

You agree that any message whatsoever submitted by you becomes the property of Utalk Radio and may be used, copied, sublicensed, adapted, edited, transmitted, distributed, publicly performed, published, displayed or deleted as Utalk Radio sees fit.

You agree to release Utalk Radio, its parents and affiliates together with their respective employees, agents, officers, directors and shareholders, from any and all liability and obligations whatsoever in connection with or arising from your use of Communities. If at any time you are not happy with the Communities or object to any material within Communities, your sole remedy is to cease using them.

For specific policies regarding chat, please see the CHAT TOS.
For specific policies regarding mentoring, please see the COACHING TOS.

Linked Networks

If Utalk Radio has provided links or pointers to other web networks, no inference or assumption should be made and no representation should be implied that Utalk Radio is connected with, operates or controls these web networks.

Utalk Radio is not responsible for the content or practices of third party web networks that may be linked to this Network. This Network may also be linked to other web networks operated by companies affiliated or connected with Utalk Radio. When visiting other web networks, however, you should refer to web network’s individual “Terms of Service” and not rely on this Agreement.


You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Utalk Radio, its parents and affiliates together with their respective volunteers, employees, agents, directors, officers and shareholders, from and against all the liabilities, claims, damages and expenses (including reasonable attorney’s fees and costs) arising out of your use of this Network, your breach or alleged breach of this Agreement or your breach or alleged breach of the copyright, trademark, proprietary or other rights of third parties.

Copyright Notices

Unless otherwise indicated, all material on this Network, and the compilation of such material, is Copyright © 2013 Utalk Radio.  Many of the articles on this site are owner by the authors and used with permission.  If you want to request reprint permission or have a question about copyright or possible infringement, please contact info@utalkradio.com.

Trademark Notices

Utalk Radio.com and its affiliated networks is a registered trademark of Steve Russo Evangelistic Team, Inc.


This Agreement operates to the fullest extent permissible by law. If any provision of this Agreement is unlawful, void or unenforceable, that provision is deemed severable from this Agreement and does not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.

You, the User, in Chat

Our Interactive areas are public. Some areas require registration. All Interactive areas are subject to monitoring by a team of moderators/administrators. Please note that all chat conversation may be monitored by a team member or transcript.  A monitor may be present even if you do not see an administrative nick on a user list.

.1. Our site is not to be used for any unlawful purpose, any posting of foul, vulgar, obscene, or sexually explicit language, racial epithets or hateful words, or variations on such words spelled so as to suggest such words.

2. Nicknames that are inappropriate will be banned.  Some users may be asked to change the nick at the discretion of the interactive administrators. (Names with sexual connotations are not permitted.)

3. Consistent disruption of focused dialogue or acting in a manner that negatively affects other members will not be permitted.

4. During scheduled topic chats, we ask that all comments and questions pertain to the discussion at hand.

5. We reserve the right to respond to the violation of any of the above Terms of Service.

6. We reserve the right to edit or delete any interactive material that is in violation of our Terms of Service.

7. Theopinions expressed are **not necessarily** those of the host site or administrators.

Chat Hosts and Administrators

The administrators are appointed by our Directors to lead and facilitate discussion in our interactive areas.   They direct chat discussions and it is also their responsibility to deal with disrupters. For their protection and the protection of the room, administrator’s user names are not revealed in open chat. If you happen to know one of their user names, please respect their privacy and protection by not discussing this with other users or revealing this information in open chat at ANY time.

The Monitor

Monitor will occasionally visit the chat room and is part of our administrative team. Please comply with all requests made by Monitor. (The chat feedback form may be used to address any concerns to the site.)


While we hope that you will be encouraged and helped by the resources offered on this site, please be aware that it is NOT A COUNSELING SERVICE. By submitting a question, you agree that neither the “friend,” the publishers of this web site, its affiliates, staff or sponsors are responsible for any situation that occurs as a result of, or is negatively influenced by, responses or answers given.

Responses in e-mail mentoring reflect the personal experience and beliefs of the “friend.” Any such email responses are not intended as legal, financial, medical, psychological or other professional advice or counsel and should NOT be relied on in lieu of such professional advice or counsel.While all “friends” are screened and every precaution is taken, the publishers of this site, its affiliates, staff or sponsors cannot be held responsible for any situation that occurs as a result of, or is negatively influenced by, the coach’s responses or answers given.

Your question and our answer may be edited and posted online. Your name and any identifying details would be removed before the question is posted. If you would prefer your question not be posted, please indicate this in your original e-mail.

Every attempt will be made to answer all questions in a timely fashion; however we cannot guarantee an immediate response and we reserve the right to discard, unanswered, any question deemed to be unsuitable at our discretion.

Advertisement and Promotion

Please refrain from advertisements or promotions of personal websites, business or asking for money for any purpose. Users who persist in advertisement/promotion/asking for money will be banned.

Posting Links in Chat or on the Discussion Board

We allow users to post helpful links in response to questions in our interactive areas with the following conditions:

  1. Links must be consistent with the purpose of the site.
  2. Links may not be advertising or considered advertising.  Links to personal sites or business are not permitted.
  3. Repeated posting of a link or posting of links that is disruptive to the conversation is not appropriate and will be considered spamming.  This may result in banning.
  4. When an administrator requests that links not be posted, please honor that request.
  5. Discussion board registration may not include website links.  Such registrations will be deleted.
  6. Third party links are not necessarily endorsed by the host of this site. Please use discernment when reviewing links given to you by others.

Prohibited Behavior

Any one of the following activities will be viewed as slander/gossip/dissension, and may result in a ban.

  1. Emailing or discussion the decisions of the administrators with other users in a negative combative way.
  2. Discussing other users in any negative or unkind way. (i.e. gossip)
  3. Sharing news about others without their explicit permission, whether the news is positive or negative. Allow people to share their own stories. If another user has asked you to share a message for them, please be sure to let the room know that you are sharing at their request.  Be sure that the content of the message is in keeping with the purposes of the room.
  4. “Attacking” another user in any way, whether it is under your normal user name or with a different user name is strictly forbidden.
  5. If you have an issue with another user, please try to resolve it between you and the person.  If that is not possible, then please take it to the leadership of the site using Chat Feedback.  Do not bring a private matter to a public forum such as chat or a blog.
  6. Entering a chat room as multiple users at the same time may result in immediate expulsion.


The following attitudes will help to make our interactive areas a safe place for all visitors. Violation in these matters will result in a letter of reprimand, but continued activity in any of these areas may result in banning.

  1. Be culturally sensitive. Enjoy learning from others and apply grace. We have visitors from around the world, from many various perspectives and cultures. Please offer grace to each.
  2. The purpose of our interactive areas is not debate.
  3. Don’t flood any interactive area with repeated or long messages, preventing others from participating in the conversation.
  4. Be considerate in the timing and use of humor.
  5. Do not develop email lists or include users on email lists without their express permission. Email addresses are considered private information.
  6. Do not press your point of view regarding someone’s problem to the point that it is argumentative. People are free to make their own decisions. Opinions are welcome; to make negative comments when the person chooses not to agree is not acceptable, even if it is an important decision.
  7. Private Chat:  The private chat feature is limited to use by the administrative team.