How to make the Best use of your Free time during Coronavirus

21 Mar 2020


Hey guys, in case you missed our first ever Instagram Live we wanted to recap the show for you.

With schools and non-essential businesses being closed, along with concerts and sports events, we thought it’d be good to chat about some ideas on how to use all our new free time.

Before we share some of our thoughts, here’re a few ideas from those who joined for the show:

@misseverything6 said: Try photography and editing photos you take

@funnymillionaireli said: Yoga and Baking

There’s actually a lot we can do to make good use of the free time we have as a result of the virus.

It’s important to stay healthy physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Make a ‘to do’ each day with the things you want to accomplish. Remember to include exercise.

Try some of these ideas to keep you busy:

  • If you play an instrument take it out and play it. If you don’t play learn an instrument.
  • Write (blog, poetry, a book)
  • Watch long movies you normally don’t have time to
  • Clean your closet, organize your sock drawer, organize your junk drawer or room
  • Try a new recipe
  • Reach out to someone you haven’t talked to in a while
  • Video chat with your friends
  • Make a list of things you are grateful for
  • Have an indoor Scavenger hunt – do it while cleaning to add some fun to the task!

Remember we’re here for you. Reach out to us if you’re feeling anxious or fearful. You can text us. Text the word Utalk along with your message to 411 247, shoot us an email at or send us a dm on our social @utalkradio to contact us. Utalk is all about ‘You talkin to us.’

Join us on Tuesday, March 24 at 4:00 pm PST when we’ll be talking about our new campaign #goodbye2mean.